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This page is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians. Please visit your podiatrist for a thorough examination.

Why should I see a Podiatrist?

Podiatrist love feet, and deal with al foot related challenges, from a nail cutting, and ingrown toenail issue to a neck, back or knee challenge.  Podiatrist are trained to treat children, mature feet, adolescent issues, and sports related issues. So if you have anything wrong from your hips to feet seek a Podiatry consultation, they work closely with other specialists to give you a holistic assessment.  Ask us before you come reach out to us on our media platforms or contact us here.

Do I need to get a doctors referral?

Insurance claims are best done if your initial referral comes through your general practitioner.  However, Podiatrists are autonomous practitioners and you do not need a referral to see a Podiatrist.  Automatic referral from your GP will also depend on your GP’s knowledge of the role Podiatrist play. Ask us about your insurance company if you need more information before coming.

What should I bring to my appointment?

It is always best to bring footwear you frequently use to your Podiatric visit, depending on your foot issue having the shoes helps your podiatrist assess your problem holistically. Always ask the Podiatrist you are visiting.

What does a Podiatrist treat?

Podiatrists treat corns, callouse, ingrown toenails, arch and foot pain, heel pain, interdigital maceration, athletes feet, venous and diabetic foot ulcers, nail fungus, sports injuries, children’s developing foot challenges and most things related to the lower limb. Reach out to us via email, or other social media platforms for more information.

Do Podiatrist treat children?

Podiatrist treat children of all ages, due to the developmental stages of the foot if a child has a foot problem it is preferable that the child is seen by the Podiatrist earlier rather than later. Come see us for your questions or contact us via email.

I have had a white area between my little toe and the other toe for years can I see a podiatrist for this?

Yes you can, it is called interdigital maceration and you can start with drying between the toe carefully and then using surgical alcohol if it is burning do not use it and seek Podiatry care as soon as possible, If you are diabetic you should seem medical attention before using any treatments.

Is it ok to strip my nails and cut into the corners?

Stripping nails causes the nails to be uneven and increases your risk of having ingrown toenails.  Cutting into the corners of the nails usually happens because you do not like how the nails looks with a free nail edge or you are getting pain in the corners, but every time you cut into the corner you are leaving a piece of nail that results in ingrowing of the nail.  It is best to seek advice from your Podiatrist.

I have alot of hard skin on my feet can I use a razor blade or knife?

It is preferable that you do not use any sharp instruments on your feet, Podiatrist are trained to manage the hard skin and look at the cause of it and advise you accordingly to ensure you get rid of it and not just cut it away.  If you cut your skin and leave the skin very uneven, it will cause more callouses to come, and if you use harsh things on your skin, it also causes skin damage.  See advise from your podiatrist and contact us here.

I have been using a corn plaster on my corn for a long time, but it keeps coming back, what would a Podiatrist do differently?

Podiatrists look at the location of the corn, cause and gives you advise on treatment therapy options and long-term management.    Long term use of corn cures can cause sensitivities to the skin, be careful to read all the writing on the corn cures to ensure you qualify to use it as diabetics and those with poor circulation should not be using corn cures.  Seek Podiatrist assistance before continuing your use of corn cures.

My heel hurts should I see a Podatrist?

Yes, you should because your heel could be hurting for many reasons, and it is best to know the cause before treating it.  Heel pain usually lasts long because it is not addressed appropriately from the beginning.  Podiatrists do biomechanical assessments and can make shoe adjustments to change the way you walk causes  tendonitis resulting in heel pain. Seek advice from your Podiatrist for further confirmation.

My back hurts would a Podiatrist help?

Yes, a Podiatrist is vital as a part of your back management team, they can look at your biomechanics, rule out limb length or other challenges that maybe contributing to your back pain.  Seek Podiatry advice for further confirmation.

I live with ingrown toenails can a Podiatrist help?

Yes, Podiatrist manage ingrown toenails by educating you on the way you should be managing your nails or offer partial or total nail avulsions to solve the problem and prevent further challenges with ingrowing of the nail.  See advice from a podiatrist.

Does insurance cover Podiatry visits?

Yes it all depends on your insurance policy, it is always advised you check with them first and remember your deductible.  

Do my shoes influence my feet?

Yes, most people wear their shoes too tight, this has an effect on the nails, and rest of the feet.  Sports footwear are also made to address the mechanics of that sport, for example you should not play tennis in a runner shoe., tennis shoes are for playing tennis and running shoes for running; if you use the shoes inappropriately you will be prone to injuries.  It is advised that you seek Podiatric advise.

Do Podiatrist treat leg ulcers?

Yes they do, it is important to ascertain the cause of the ulcer and the appropriate care. Most ulcers should heal within 6 weeks to 3 months depending on the ulcer.  Podiatrists at Comfeet are trained in Wound care and can assess and suggest appropriate care pathways for healing. Feel free to contact us for further information.

Is it ok to walk barefooted at home, my feet hurt a lot?

It depends, as we mature in life, it is noted that the ball of the feet loose it fatty padding which results in the bony prominences in our feet protruding and hitting the floor during walking, when walking on tiles this can be painful so as our feet mature it is advisable to improve the strength of intrinsic muscles in your feet by staying active, and doing specific foot exercises and or wearing a indoor shoe.  If you are diabetic it is advisable to use footwear in the house.  Seek further information from your Podiatrist.